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    Guyana: Crime of the Century

    Poster of the movie Guyana: Crime of the Century
    1979     Dramatic thriller    
    1h 47min
    Original language: English, Spanish

    Nearly 1,000 people - even tiny babies and children - lay dead and rotting in the morning sun in the South American country of Guyana, all victims of cult leader Jim Jones, who had ordered the mass execution of his followers in the 1978 incident called by many 'The Crime of the Century'. An horrific dramatization of the Guyana tragedy where the names have been changed to protect the 'innocent,' 'Guyana: Crime of the Century,' traces the steps of Rev. Jim Johnson, a highly charismatic, but profoundly paranoid man of the cloth, who, after years of evangelism and good deeds, starts his own church in the United States. When Johnson becomes increasingly obsessed with the belief that the CIA is 'a wicked enemy' who is out to get him, he immigrates with his congregation to Guyana where he plans to create a utopia. But Johnson's 'utopia,' consists of a society where he demands his followers turn their minds, bodies and possessions over to him, and a lifestyle that is rife with orgies, physical violence, mental torture, and sexual abuse of children and adults. When Congressman Lee O'Brien makes a special trip to Johnson township in Guyana to investigate allegations of Johnson's bizarre activities, Johnson's paranoia reaches a fever pitch that culminates in him taking savage action against the congressman and ultimately, against his own congregation.

    Directed byRené Cardona Jr.
    Written byRené Cardona Jr., Carlos Valdemar
    CompanyUniversal PicturesUniversal PicturesUniversal Pictures


    Stuart Whitman
    Gene Barry
    John Ireland
    Bradford Dillman
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    © Universal PicturesUniversal PicturesUniversal Pictures